Friday 2 May 2014

Video Formats

i. How do you export?
First, you go to 'File', 'Export' then 'Media' and then change the file types to whatever you want.

ii. Where do you export to?
  You export your video to your media folder.

iii. How do you name your file? Why is it important?
First, you go to 'File' then to 'Export' and then 'Media' and lastly you click on the yellow writing saying 'Sequence_01' and then you can change your file name. It's important because if you named your file something you couldn't remember, then you could loose your file.

iv. What are the different formats mp4, mov, avi, wmv, flv - explain, discussing size, revolution/quality and purpose - where will it be used and why is that important?
All of them have different sizes so if you cannot send it because of it being big, you could change the file type.


i. How do you import your film?

 Your import your film by going to 'File' and then 'Import' and choose what you want to import.
ii. Which formats can you choose- Why is it important?
  mp4, mov, avi, dlv and wmv, it is important because all of the file types have different file sizes but you can make the file size smaller, by sending an email or text.
iii.  How do you name your files and WHY if this important?
When you first open ADOBE PP6, click 'file' then 'new' then you can adjust your file name from there. It's important because if you named it something you wouldnt remember then you could loose your files. You could also get it mixed up with other files.
iv.  Why is converting so useful? 
Converting files from one type to another is important so that the file can be used by different programmes. For example you could pull video off of a DVD but iTunes wouldn't be able to play it unless it was encoded in the correct file type.
v. Why is clipping so useful?
 Clipping is useful because you can cut down your movie and your file to make it shorter. It also allows you to put two different files together which have been shot from different angles and made to look like they were shot at the same time.

C.  Uploading Video to YOUTUBE

i. What is the account name and password - where do you find this information?
COOMBEMEDIASTUDENT is the channel. The username/email is and the password, as usual, is Mrs T's surname followed by the room number she teaches in.

ii. How do you name and tag/label your video (for searching)
Once you have uploaded your video, you go info and settings, and at the botton there will be a section called tags.

iii. How do you annotate a video?
  First of all you need to upload your video to youtube. when you have processed and published it, you need to go to the video where it is uploaded, at the bottom of the video, there will be 5 options, you go to the one that says annotations and from there, you can annotate you video how you want.

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